Double Bubble

Mask Making…is a term I learned recently and this photo describes my double bubble. Outside of my immediate family, it is nearly impossible to socially distance from my staff. And, as many of you may know, my staff is my second family. Twenty years together creates a tremendous bond!

I could not have had a successful mask-making project without giving many thanks to my staff for helping me pack and ship masks. I am grateful to my family for being supportive of my long hours in the sewing room and so very thankful for the support from you, my patients in buying masks for yourself, friends, and family.

To date we were able to give:

$5500 to SECU Family House of Chapel Hill

$5000 to Ronald McDonald House of Chapel Hill

$1000 to Me Fine (which was doubled to $2000 by a local triangle business)

$2000 to Super Cooper’s Wagon

$1000 to OCRA–Orange County Meals on Wheels

We are reopening on May 18th and we are all excited to be able to take care of your dental needs. Learn how our procedures are different in light of the current situation. The website will be updated regularly to reflect changes that occur as this crisis continues to unfold and impact how we live and work.

Be well,


PS…my favorite bubble gum is NOT Double Bubble…it is Hubba Bubba 🙂

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