
How To Change The World

….and make yourself happier in the process.

As a dentist I am blessed with the experience of seeing what an improvement to someone’s smile can do to a patient’s overall demeanor. This type of dental treatment can range from repairing a simple chipped tooth that resulted from biting something too hard, to the replacement of a tooth after a fall, to a complete makeover of the smile. Repairing, replacing or enhancing one’s smile can be an incredibly moving encounter, both the patient and I can share tears of joy when he/she regains the confidence to smile again. Typically when people are embarrassed by their smile they don’t smile, they don’t make eye contact and they walk with their head down which can lead to poor overall posture and low self esteem. Continue reading “How To Change The World”

It Is NOT Normal For Children To Snore

There have been increasing discussions about the impact of sleep disordered breathing in adults over the past decade. We talk about the severity of the health impacts from snoring, spouses complain that their snoring partner keeps them awake and we joke about how many ‘logs you sawed’ last night. But, did you know that not only is it abnormal for children to snore, the health impacts are far more serious than what we see in the adult population?? Continue reading “It Is NOT Normal For Children To Snore”

Do You Hate To Floss?

Well, you’re not alone!!

Most dentists will tell you it’s like pulling teeth trying to get our patients to floss on a consistent basis. It’s an awkward activity, it can be hard to maneuver around the molars and sometimes the floss shreds or breaks in the process. So frustrating!

When we brush our teeth, we are able to clean about 75% of the tooth surface area. If we are not using dental floss, we are missing the other 25% of where bacteria like to congregate. These bacteria are like the teenager having a party at home because mom and dad are out of town. We all know what a house party hosted by teenagers can look like!! The mess left behind when we don’t clean between our teeth can lead to inflamed and bleeding gums. Continue reading “Do You Hate To Floss?”

Why Tongue Hygiene Matters

Dentists spend a lot of time discussing the benefits of the proper brushing and flossing of your teeth but are we missing a key component to improving oral health….the tongue? Brushing and flossing are the sponge and rag process when washing your car. But your car never truly feels clean until you vacuumed the inside. A similar case could be made for the mouth…you have flossed and brushed your teeth but what about that large organ in the center of your mouth that has the texture of a shag carpet. Unfortunately, tongue hygiene is no frequently discussed by most dentists. This may likely be because the topic feels a little awkward and uncomfortable. So, let’s break the ice and get to work understanding why this needs to be part of a healthy hygiene practice. Continue reading “Why Tongue Hygiene Matters”

Can Your Mouth Be Too Clean?

About twenty years ago, due to the potential cancer causing risk of alcohol, dentistry shifted away from recommending over the counter antiseptic mouthwash. This was great news to most patients because very few can tolerate the ‘burn‘ associated with the amber colored Listerine…you know, the one your parents and grandparents used. Much more widely accepted was the introduction of a litany of alcohol free mouthwashes that left you with a ‘clean’ feeling absent the fire breathing potential of old school rinses. But as time has passed, the risk of oral cancer appears to be trivial and dentistry has again embraced the ‘bad bacteria’ eliminating potential of antiseptic mouthwashes. Continue reading “Can Your Mouth Be Too Clean?”

Sugar Doesn’t Cause Tooth Decay…Acid is the DESTROYER of teeth!

There is a common misperception that sugar is bad for our teeth. The field of dentistry has done an excellent job of promoting the connection between tooth decay and sugary foods but sadly, this is only a small part of the story. Leaving out the details of what really causes tooth decay has left patients with a false sense that certain dietary habits are ‘safe’ for consumption and this can lead to avoidable tooth decay. The real culprit of what destroys our teeth is….ACID! Sugar is the destroyer of our metabolic systems. Continue reading “Sugar Doesn’t Cause Tooth Decay…Acid is the DESTROYER of teeth!”

All RISK and NO Benefit of Antibiotics Prior to Dental Procedure

Dentistry affords the unique opportunity to blend both art and science. I enjoy the artistry of creating beautiful smiles and caring for each patient individually. But, I also get to exercise my passion for science by constantly reading and studying in an effort to provide the best treatment and advice for home care. Sometimes, new information becomes available and as scientists we are challenged to embrace the latest research instead of taking the easy path of doing as we’ve always done. Continue reading “All RISK and NO Benefit of Antibiotics Prior to Dental Procedure”

The Most Common Chronic Disease Is Tooth Decay

Tooth decay continues to plague humans in a way that was not as common hundreds of years ago. Archaeological data from the medieval period (1500s) show that an average of only 20 percent of teeth show any sign of decay. This is in stark contrast to 90% of adults (aged 20-64) who have suffered from this chronic condition today.

What could be different in this 500 year period?? We have far better technology and access to dental care. We have the electric toothbrushes, dental floss and a myriad of rinses and potions to clean our mouths. We have fluoride in everything dental (you know how I feel about this!). The answer is SUGAR. In the 1800s we consumed less than 18lbs/ year. Contrast that with the current consumption hovering between 150-180lbs/year. Continue reading “The Most Common Chronic Disease Is Tooth Decay”

Can You Use Too Much Toothpaste When Helping Your Children Brush?

I have written about my concerns of the neurotoxic potential of fluoride overconsumption from the water we drink daily and the current lawsuit in the US Courts. This research led me to start questioning toothpaste and the possible harms when used inappropriately, especially as it relates to children. I was pleased to find that some researchers have recently published on this topic in the BDJ Open.

During my dental training, we were advised to encourage parents to use NON-fluoridated toothpaste for children who are unable to spit out oral contents. Widely available in the US, is fluoride-free toddler toothpaste that helps to encourage children to enjoy brushing through a tasty paste on their toothbrush. Every tube of fluoride containing toothpaste contains a hazardlabel warning to contact poison control if accidentally ingested. This fear is eliminated with fluoride-free toothpaste. Continue reading “Can You Use Too Much Toothpaste When Helping Your Children Brush?”

Today’s The Day….Fluoride Goes On Trial

“As someone who believes deeply in NTP’s science-based mission, I am concerned by the recent course of events with the fluoride monograph. The decision to set aside the results of an external peer review process based on concerns expressed by agencies with strong policy interests on fluoride suggests the presence of political interference in what should be a strictly scientific endeavor.” –Dr. Linda Birnbaum, former NTP director 2009-2019

In a perfect world, science and politics would remain completely independent of one another. Sadly this is not the world within which we live. Continue reading “Today’s The Day….Fluoride Goes On Trial”